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2. There can be ulterior motives behind a leak. I don't think this happens too often, but I do think that at certain points in my career I've been given information on good authority from industry sources just so a company can see what the reaction is to the leak. Just for the record, this has never happened in my experience with Apple, but I do believe it has happened with one of their competitors in the smartphone world. As such, I try to always give caveats that even the best-sourced leaks can't be trusted absolutely. And journalists aren't the only people companies might troll with info on purportedly important projects. Remember the alleged practice at Apple of assigning new engineers to fake projects until they've earned the company's trust?.

3, Real info comes with an NDA, Plain and simple, if a company wants to give someone like me a peek at something before its official, controlled release, they're going to make me sign a non-disclosure agreement, This almost never happens until shortly before some sort of official announcement, though, So this means that the earlier a rumor comes out, like the crazy iPhone 6 gossip that started almost immediately after the release of the iPhone 5S, the bigger that all-important grain of salt, 4, Things can and do change, Welcome to the real world, The first iPhone was reportedly not ready for prime time when Steve Jobs introduced it on stage, With the iPhone 6, it may turn out that classified intelligence will reveal in August that a 5.5-inch form factor is exactly the right size sapphire-infused touchscreen the Decepticons have been searching the galaxy for to complete a super-weapon that will threaten all of humanity, If something like that were to go down, you can bet we'll never see a phablet-size iPhone 6, and that best iphone screen protectors 2017 Michael Bay is probably already writing that script..

5. Look for multiple sources and physical proof. As we get closer to the actual launch date and the next iPhone has gone into production, which may have already happened at this point, the leaks start to gain more credence and they start to seem to confirm each other. At this point, it does seem to be a fairly safe bet that we know something about the shape and size of the iPhone 6, as well as that it will have a sapphire component to it, among other things. As for that early rumor from January that the next iPhone would launch in June 2014, I think we can count it out.

6, Let us keep track of it for you, CNET tracks all the rumors and posts the most noteworthy and interesting, providing a little context and our thoughts on how big the grain of salt you swallow with each should be, After all, if you wanna swim with the biggest sharks in the tech rumor ocean, you should probably plan on swallowing a little seawater, Gossip about Apple's next iPhone is everywhere, Crave's Eric Mack has a half dozen things to best iphone screen protectors 2017 keep in mind as you watch the rumor mill spin, Last week, you may have noticed some blog posts about a "leak" of the upcoming iPhone 6 supposedly showing up on Amazon's Japanese site, While CNET covers quite a few of the latest iPhone 6 rumors with the appropriate caveats and grains of salt, often they're just too thin or sketchy, In the case of the alleged Amazon Japan iPhone 6 page, we decided to pass..

Long rumored to be the hardware maker of choice for Google's Nexus 8 , we should look for this particular tablet sometime later this fall. Presumably, the next-gen device will debut whenever Android L becomes official. It's worth pointing out that other chatter indicates the tablet could be closer to 9 inches and possibly carry the name of Nexus 9 instead. And, while we're at it, we should also note the various code names that have been floating about: Volantis and Flounder. We know even less about the other two tablets. Aside from the T7 and T12 model numbers, the rest is a mystery. Although the names could mean we'll see 7-inch and 12-inch slates, that isn't necessarily true. After all, the Nexus 8 is said to carry the model number "T1".

While evleaks is often accurate in leaking smartphones and best iphone screen protectors 2017 tablets, its track record is far from flawless, After reporting that the Volantis tablet might boast 5GB RAM, it was later found that its source was a 14-year-old posing as an HTC representative, In the words of Walter White, tread lightly when it comes to rumors, In addition to the rumored Nexus 8, HTC could be prepping two other Android tablets, After spending the last few years as a wallflower, HTC may finally be ready to dive headfirst into the tablet fray, According to Twitter source @evleaks, HTC has a trio of slabs on the horizon, including a Nexus device..

When Kobe Bryant was seen not so long ago, lurking on Apple's campus in Cupertino, Calif., some speculated it might have to do with the purported iWatch. Or iTime. Or iBand. Or iVegotoneyouhavent. Now the Lakers' limping legend has come clean. In an interview with Bloomberg, he revealed that he spent a whole day with Apple's head of design, Jony Ive. "I just cold-call people to pick their brains about stuff," claimed Bryant. But if you were Jony Ive, would you really choose to take the call when you have slightly more pressing matters at hand?.

There again, there are rumors that Bryant is one of several athletes testing Apple's new alleged wrist gadget, Bryant told Bloomberg that he met with Ive and spent a whole day "picking his brain about product."I suppose every NBA star is a product best iphone screen protectors 2017 that wants to be a brand, Perhaps Bryant wanted tips on adding to his aesthetic, Indeed, he explained that the conversation was aimed at helping him be better at what he did, Perhaps, you might be thinking, Ive had some tips on bettering Bryant's shooting percentage and team ethic, Not exactly, but Bryant said there are "common denominators" when it comes to success, and indeed, apparently it wasn't only Bryant who was doing the brain-picking..

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