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DEAR AMY: In response to “Worried” and her boyfriend’s frequent white lies, I can relate. Related ArticlesCarolyn Hax: Have I married an arse?Carolyn Hax: I thought my 12-year-old was finally good at something, but then …Miss Manners: My friend didn’t know my fiance, but now they’re textingI grew up in a family where “Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!” was practically our motto. My mom told little lies in front of us kids constantly, especially on the phone to her friends and work. My husband called me out on it when we first got married. I didn’t even realize I was doing it. It was learned behavior from my upbringing. I am grateful he brought it to my attention. Perhaps “Worried” should do the same with her boyfriend.

Poor Jimmy Kimmel, The late-night funny man is about to make his debut as Academy Awards host, and he may not quite know what he’s in for, Oh sure, it seems like a prestigious gig, For one night, he’ll have the spotlight, in carmen's dance shoes front of a humongous global audience, On the other hand, it’s a brutally thankless job, The telecast tends to be a lengthy and tedious bore — filled with gas-bag speeches, snoozy clip-reel segments and groan-inducing musical numbers, And even though he has no control over those things, it’s the host who often takes much of the blame if the show implodes and/or the ratings tank, That’s just how it works, We can already see the Mean Tweets pouring in..

Still, there are ways for Kimmel to score a few points with viewers — as long as he sticks to a solid game plan. With that in mind, we offer him, free of charge, our easy-to-follow Oscar-hosting guide. Do these things, Jimmy, and maybe — just maybe — the Academy will invite you back. 1. Make a grand entrance. Unfortunately, your twerpy late-night rival Jimmy Fallon already pulled off the whole “La La land” song-and-dance thing at the Golden Globes. So you can’t very well steal it. But that’s the general idea: Set a fun, comedic tone from the start.

2, Keep the political jokes to a minimum, OK, we get it: Hollywood despises our new president, But you don’t want to overdo carmen's dance shoes it, especially knowing that some of the award winners will probably have some snarky things of their own to say about Mr, Trump, (And Lord help us if Meryl Streep captures the best-actress prize), Reading this on your phone? Stay up to date on Bay Area and Silicon Valley news with our new, free mobile app, Get it from the Apple app store or the Google Play store, 3. Deliver the goods in your monologue and keep it brief, Also, maintain a humble demeanor, There’s no need to boast about your voice work in “The Smurfs 2″ and “The Boss Baby.”..

4. Learn from past failures. Don’t pull a Seth MacFarlane (2013) and batter viewers with crude, sexist jokes or a song along the lines of “We Saw Your Boobs.” In other words, resist the urge to revert to your “Man Show” days. 5. And avoid watching clips from David Letterman’s tour of duty in 1995. We know Letterman is your beloved lifelong hero, but he bombed big time on the Oscar stage. You don’t want to be slapped with a lifetime ban. 6. Keep your distance: Feel free to make jokes about the movies, but don’t go too inside-Hollywood. Keep in mind that most of us have not seen “Hacksaw Ridge,” and probably never will.

7, Don’t let ’em see you sweat, As you well know, not every joke is going to land, And don’t freak out over a few flub-ups here and there, In fact, flub-ups are carmen's dance shoes good, They show you’re human, They keep it real, 8. Matt Damon? Yes, absolutely, Do anything you can to work your notorious foe into the telecast, People who don’t watch your late-night talk show might not totally get the long-running pretend feud between you two, but it’s usually comedic gold, Go for it, 9, Eat before you get there, Ellen DeGeneres earned a lot of laughs when she had pizzas delivered to the Oscar audience in 2015, Then you added your own twist at the Emmys by having the “Stranger Things” kids hand out snacks to the crowd, OK, that’s enough, That gag is now officially dead..

10. Always remember … your main audience is not the crowd of Hollywood mannequins in the Dolby Theatre, but the people at home — the faceless nobodies who are welded to the couch, inhaling Doritos and jeering at all the displays of self-indulgence and fashion blunders. Speak to us, dude. 11. Wear a watch. Please, please, please, whatever you do — finish on time. If we really want to experience more than two hours of unbearable agony, we’ll just rewatch “Manchester by the Sea.”.

THE RISING: One night after it airs the Oscars, ABC delivers a vital piece of scripted programming from Academy Award winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (“Milk”) called “When We Rise” (9 p.m., Monday), Set in San Francisco, it’s a four-part, eight-hour docudrama that chronicles the 50-year history of the gay rights movement through carmen's dance shoes the real-life personal and political struggles, setbacks and triumphs of group of passionate activists, The cast includes Guy Pearce, Mary-Louise Parker, Rachel Griffiths and Michael Kenneth Williams..

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