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Of course, this could be one fine setup. The girl could be a burgeoning actor and the dad a film director trying to make the video look as amateurish as possible. However, it shows just how we all feel the additional need to be interesting because we are now less humans and more content creators. Sadly, Facebook and the like are our agents and they take 100 percent of our income. A man is driving his car when he sees that his daughter trying to impress the world by posing in the back seat. So he records the glory of it for posterity.

Upon launching the app for the first time you're walked through some example time-lapse videos, and then asked to grant permission for the app to access your Camera and Microphone, Obviously lacking is the need to connect the app to your Instagram account, That's right, Hyperlapse isn't directly tied to your Instagram account -- its primary job is to help you create videos, Recording a video through the app is exactly what you'd iphone case easy to hold expect from an iOS camera app, A tap on the white shutter button starts recording, with another tap to stop recording, Just under the shutter button you'll notice two different time indicators, The time on the left is the total time recorded, while the time opposite represents the time-lapse length at the default 6x setting..

You won't find an option to enable or disable the stabilization feature - it's baked in and on at all times. And after viewing a video in its "unstabilized" format, you'll be happy the app is designed this way. Immediately after tapping the shutter button to stop recording, edit mode is launched. A slider allows you to adjust the speed of the video. With options ranging from 1x to 12x speed, you have complete control over how fast or slow the video plays back. Just keep in mind adjusting playback speed directly impacts the length of your video.

To view your video without the included stabilization feature, touch the screen as your video plays; "Unstabilized" will display along the bottom of the screen, showing you just how much better off you are when recording video within the app, Selecting the checkmark will save the video to your Camera Roll, followed by prompting you to share the video with either Instagram or Facebook, But as you already know, you can share content from your Camera Roll through various services, Tapping on the red "X" will give you the option to delete the video, or save it within the app for editing later, iphone case easy to hold Tap on the blue circle on the record screen to access your saved videos..

If you have a Hyperlapse video you're quite proud of, share a link to it in the comments. I have a feeling our Instagram feeds are going to be overrun with this feature for at least a few weeks. The new app helps you create time-lapse videos using your iPhone. Creating a time-lapse video using your iOS device just got a lot easier (without the help of iOS 8 , mind you). On Tuesday, Instagram released a stand-alone app called Hyperlapse. The app is currently only available for iOS devices; sorry Android users, you'll need to wait until Google makes some API changes to the gyroscope and camera, according to Wired.

Flexible displays, in and of themselves, are nothing new, What makes this patent different is that it includes support for components -- like buttons, microphones, or speakers -- that can be mounted around the display and work through it, In other words, the flexible display, which would be designed for mobile products, is both capable of being iphone case easy to hold bent and acting as a pass-through device that can handle a wide range of functionalities, Patently Apple earlier reported on the patent award, One of the best examples of the technology, outlined in the patent itself, is how a button might work, Apple envisions people bending or in some way manipulating the screen to touch a button activator below its surface, By deforming that specific portion of the display, the activity associated with the button would be created, In another example, the flexibility of the display would create a porous layer that would allow for sound waves to pass through, Therefore, speakers and microphones and other components could sit under a screen and work as they do now..

So, why do such a thing? It all comes back to screen real estate. By placing components that are typically outside of the device and away from the screen underneath it, Apple could create a device that's either all-screen or nearly all-screen in design. The button example is perhaps the best rationalization for the technology. Rather than having a physical button just under the screen, Apple could place a physical component beneath the display. Bending it one way or another would activate that component and show a virtual button on the screen. Pressing it would create the desired activity.

That technology stands in stark contrast to how Apple's iPhone works today, The home button on the iPhone is a physical key that lengthens the size of the device, If the flexible screen technology would come into play, Apple could have more options in design, The company could also present unique ways for users to interact with its device, The trouble, of course, is that Apple, like other iphone case easy to hold major companies, invents new technologies all the time, And while patents might provide a framework for what the company might be thinking, it doesn't mean that the technology will actually make its way to Apple products in the future..

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