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The story of the exploration is told in a kind of “virtual archaeology” via computer-enhanced video models. Also intriguing are photographs of the Dayun Mountain mausoleum from the chief excavator, Li Zebin of the Nanjing Museum. Enlarged photos show how and where many objects were discovered, and the contrast is amazing: What looks like a stick buried in the mud turns out to be, on display, a jeweled silver umbrella staff. Reading this on your phone? Stay up to date on Bay Area and Silicon Valley news with our new, free mobile app. Get it from the Apple app store or the Google Play store.

The Asian Art Museum’s director, Jay Xu (who curated the show narrow dance shoes with his colleague Fan Jeremy Zhang), points out that these objects reflect life in the dynasty as well as the royal residents’ expected afterlife, “In Han royal tombs the deceased are laid out in splendid coffins in underground rooms,” Xu says in a catalog essay, And the recumbent bodies are surrounded by “a variety of beautiful and useful objects,” including bells for a performance, a cauldron to be filled with food and spears to defend against the uninvited..

So it’s life and afterlife that await museum visitors, and a glimpse into the Han dynasty, which flourished at the same time as the Roman Empire. The most spectacular — and mysterious — objects are a coffin 9 feet long, covered in a geometric pattern of about 1,500 pieces of jade, and a burial suit made up of hundreds of “fish scale” tiles of jade, sewn with gold thread. There’s one big mystery to these pieces: Was the jade meant to be inside or outside the coffin? And there’s one surprise: Though the burial suit suggests an otherworldly masculine figure, it was made for a queen of the Jiangdu kingdom.

With an intimate focus, the last of the exhibit’s three galleries narrow dance shoes shows that what worked 2,000 years ago still does today, Here are eternal-looking basins for bathing, a pumice-like stone for scrubbing and a glazed ceramic portable urinal that’s hardly different from the plastic ones now found in hospitals, Two bronze phalluses are also among the items discovered in kings’ tombs, The stone toilet is essentially a carefully designed and crafted latrine from the second century B.C, “The Han dynasty,” notes a catalog essay, “enjoyed toilets that would be considered luxurious in many parts of the world today.”..

The exhibit’s opening gallery is dominated by a set of 19 bells of varying size, arranged on two levels of a horizontal rack — looking ready to ring the royal family into the afterlife. (A video shows a similar set onstage for a more recent dance performance.) There are other music and performance artifacts, including stylized earthenware dance figures, looking both ancient and modern. The figures manage, as the curators point out, “to capture the dynamic and graceful fluidity of Han dynasty dance.”.

The personal adornments on display include several charming, translucent jade ornaments in the shape of dragons, A pair of dazzling gold belt buckles, on close inspection, reveals carved animals — a tiger and bear biting a horse-like prey and a row of vultures with sharp beaks, There are discoveries to be made throughout the exhibit, Utilitarian narrow dance shoes objects show remarkable character, A massive bronze basin, probably for cooking, is decorated with two bands of small intertwined dragons, A stand for holding a lamp is made of gilded bronze in the graceful form of a deer, It’s a wonder it survived 2,000 years..

Xu suggests that the exhibition underscores “how connected we really are to the past (and) that we share the same passions across time and culture.”. The artistry connects the eras as well. A spiraling, five-armed bronze candelabra on display could be a masterful Scandinavian work from the 1960s. A rough-hewn, sculpted warrior on horseback suggests a sculpture in the most contemporary art gallery.  Past cultures really are echoed in the present. ‘TOMB TREASURES: NEW DISCOVERIESFROM CHINA’S HAN DYNASTY’.

The Spot, a restaurant in downtown Campbell, is being forced to change some of its business practices following a Feb, 14 decision by the city planning commission, The commission voted unanimously to modify the owner’s use permit that determines the business’ hours, menu and entertainment narrow dance shoes options after reviewing what city staff and police officials said were multiple violations at the restaurant, According to a staff report, the city documented more than 20 use permit violations between January and November of last year, The city said violations included exceeding the 125-person occupancy, live entertainment going beyond approved hours, having security guards that were not properly licensed and being the source of significant calls for police service..

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