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First you'll want to look for the Display menu. On some phones and tablets, this choice will be on the Device tab. Next, tap on Font (style) and pick from the current choices, or click the button to download others. The more narrow fonts will prevent application names from clashing together on the home screen. Don't forget to adjust the font size. Note: If you don't see any choices in the download area for your specific phone, you can search for other font apps on the Google Play store. Example search: fonts Galaxy S5.

Once you apply the change, the font will appear across your entire device, even inside many (if not all) of your apps, CNET's Lori Grunin said she changed fonts so she could read the tiny text in her Calendar app, What benefit will you gain by changing fonts? Share your thoughts in the comments, ​Ready for a change to make your Android device feel new or just different? Check out these steps for changing your font, Here at CNET How To you've read about ways to putting on iphone screen protector make your Android device feel new again, From changing wallpapers, themes, or launchers, to even a master reset for speed -- there are lots of options out there, One of the lesser-known adjustments you can make is changing your font, It's super easy, and it can help reduce eyestrain if your text is too small, or fit more on your screen if you think the font is too big..

And even though Secret knows who you are, Byttow says they're not telling -- unless, of course, law enforcement compels them to do so. Or they get hacked. Created by Byttow, formerly of Google and Square Wallet, and ex-Google+ product manager Chrys Bader-Wechseler, the app promises anonymity as you share secrets with your friends, friends of friends, and strangers. Because of this structure, Secret knows who you are. Those three levels of identity are all that the app publicly shares in your Secret newsfeed, and they've fueled the app's fast rise. As we talked in the bustling Red Door Cafe on Second Street here, Byttow discussed Secret's popularity and challenges. Since it went public in February, more than 20 million people have signed on to share their deepest and darkest -- and perhaps, most frivolous -- thoughts.

Secret has caused controversy already, The app was banned in Brazil, where the constitution explicitly prohibits anonymous free speech, and a recent hack demonstrated how Secret's pseudonymity could be exploited to uncover the identity of a Secret poster, That hack was patched before it was made public, but nevertheless demonstrated that Secret's promise of privacy is not iron-clad, Secret isn't promising to protect its users' identities from the law, "[I]f we're compelled to do so, especially to keep someone safe, we will absolutely turn that [information] over," Byttow said, "If the user had opted to unlink their post, putting on iphone screen protector and we can't obtain the information, we would turn over what we had, That's in our terms, our privacy policy, and it's standard."What follows is a lightly edited transcript of a conversation I had with Byttow, a slow and thoughtful speaker, earlier this week..

Q: The launch of Secret seemed perfectly timed to a certain zeitgeist. What is it about the app that's connected people in the way they want? Byttow: What's interesting about Secret is that it allows you to share among people that you know, and people that know you. That carries a lot of weight, but not in a way that you may fear retribution or backlash in the future. In society, we're learning a lot about what you put on the Internet, and in general what's attached to your name.. you can feel very judged by it. A lot of times, people fear sharing what they feel at the risk of ostracizing or alienating their friends. Secret aims to provide a safe place for people to have honest conversations. I believe it's really important that we have a place for freedom of expression.

That's the long-term view, The short term, and why it caught on, is that it's so easy to connect to people you know, There's interesting content there -- that's either relevant to you or close to putting on iphone screen protector you or said by a friend -- waiting when you join, It's a really connected community, there's a dense social graph that gets created in Secret, There's not too many places on the Internet that offer that kind of security, What kind of reaction has there been to last week's news of the hack? Byttow: Most was positive, The beauty of the Internet is that we can fix software very, very quickly, In this case, we had fixed the issue, and furthermore I think it was a relatively complex and nuanced issue as well, It does require an intrepid person to exploit that particular thing, Overall, it was generally positive..

Even from the early days, people were, I don't know what kind of word to use here, not waiting but anticipating that any service that gets popular becomes a target for this kind of stuff. This was an important thing, I think, to show we take this stuff extremely seriously. How important to what Secret is and does is the fact that it's not fully anonymous? Byttow: The word anonymous is relatively misunderstood in general. First of all, I believe that anonymous doesn't mean untraceable. If you're going to do something unlawful, or illegal, or something you don't want people to really, really know about, certainly you should think twice about publishing it on the Internet. But I think people..with Secret, when you know it could be someone, it's everyone, but when it could be anyone, it's no one.

The magic of Secret is that you are having conversations among potentially people in your life, people that you trust, and people that you love, And it kind of mimics what we do naturally, which is have conversations around the dinner table, Having that space to do that is very important in life, having that freedom to express yourself, For example, if you're at dinner with a loved one or a co-worker or with someone who you change how you say certain things -- or we might say more things putting on iphone screen protector in private about how we really feel, What happens is that Secret can actually give people a place to share their private thoughts, share their feelings, and get feedback, but you do it online..

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