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“The character is the heart of the story because she’s the most vulnerable,” says Coppola. “She’s kind of fragile, and Kirsten isn’t. I like casting against type.”. The director adds she also did that with Fanning, who was 11 when she was in Coppola’s 2010 film “Somewhere.” She calls the now 19-year-old actress “sweet,” but her character – Alicia, the oldest of the girls at the school – is the wildest and most sexually provocative of the bunch.

Finding the ballet shoes kids right man for “The Beguiled” was the hardest thing, says Coppola, For the role of Corporal McBurney, she wanted an actor who was darkly masculine that could relate to each of these sheltered women in a different way, In the novel, she found that the soldier was an Irish immigrant who was paid to take another man’s place as a Union soldier, (Eastwood’s character wasn’t.), With Farrell, the director found someone who could be charismatic but with a sinister edge..

“I felt Colin could convey enough complexity that people wouldn’t know what his intentions were,” says Coppola. The director liked how Farrell’s “dark and hairy” look contrasted with “the pale ladies,” and since Farrell is Irish he could keep his accent. “That added another layer to the exoticism,” she says. “The Beguiled” was shot in 26 days on the plantation where Beyonce’s “Lemonade” filmed. On a tight budget, everyone stayed at a local hotel. Coppola found some days difficult because the younger actors in the cast had restricted hours and couldn’t shoot as long.

“We just had to do it as cheaply as we could,” she says with a laugh, “But there’s also an energy in that to be creative and come up with solutions.”, The film doesn’t look low-budget in any sense, however, Besides a first-rate ballet shoes kids cast, Coppola’s director of photography, Philippe Le Sourd, used vintage lenses to give the movie an eerie, out-of-time feel, “We worked a lot to make it look like it’s a natural lighting, what would be believable for the time,” says Coppola, adding that she wanted the location to seem stifling and filled with sexual repression..

To prepare, Coppola had a sort of camp for the female actors – sewing, dance and etiquette lessons. “We were throwing ourselves into it to make the actresses feel natural living together.”. Though they took pains to bring an authenticity to the film, the director says she tried to use costumes and hairstyles that had a more modern feel. “Hopefully, audiences can relate.”. Of course, the real question in the film is: Who is the beguiled? When the corporal arrives, he upsets the delicate balance of the school.

“I imagined what it was like for these women during the Civil War,” says Coppola, “Cut off, isolated, and to suddenly encounter a man.”, At first, the appearance of McBurney – an enemy combatant – has some of the women on guard, but he’s polite, civil, But almost as school maids begin to relax and begin pulling out their finest dresses, the story quickly starts taking twists and turns, “The original movie is more black-and-white,” says Coppola, “This one is much more ambiguous, and you’re seeing it ballet shoes kids through the women’s eyes as you’re trying to figure it out.”..

Without giving anything away, this is the first movie in which the director has had to deal with blood and gore. “It’s always stimulating trying something you’re not familiar with,” the filmmaker says. Just don’t expect Coppola to helm a sci-fi flick next. “‘The Beguiled’ was something I hadn’t done before and liked doing it in my own way,” she says. “I don’t know what I’m doing next. I enjoyed doing this one because it was new, but I can’t imagine getting to a point where I just wanted to do genre films.”.

If “Boy Band,” the reality TV singing competition that premieres Thursday on ABC, seems familiar, it’s because ballet shoes kids the same network more or less came up with the same idea with “Making The Band, which after its debut in 2000 jumped to MTV and ran in different versions over the decade that followed, But does a good idea, or a successful boy band ever really go away? Judging from the 17,000 or so grown women who lost their cool and reverted to their tween-aged selves when New Kids On The Block and Boyz II Men (and Paula Abdul as the sole non-boy band act) took the stage at the Hollywood Bowl recently, the answer then is a giddy, squeal-inducing ‘No!” which is surely the same result ABC is hoping for with “Boy Band.”..

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