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– Gives the Yucca Mountain project $120 million to restart licensing operations. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. The Trump administration proposed an 18 percent decrease for HHS, one of the largest and most sprawling departments within the government. That sum excludes funding for the insurance provided by Medicare and Medicaid, two vast entitlement programs for older and lower-income Americans. In a rare move, those programs were omitted from the brief budget description the Trump administration has released.

– Increases funding for efforts to prevent pointe shoes brands and treat opioid addictions, – Decreases funding for the National Institutes of Health and certain programs to train health professionals, National Institutes of Health (part of HHS), The 19 percent cut would affect the billions of dollars NIH gives out to researchers around the globe, as well as studies at its sprawling Bethesda, Md., campus, – Eliminates the Fogarty International Center, which builds partnerships between U.S, and foreign health research institutions..

DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY. The proposal would increase funding to DHS by 7 percent. This money primarily goes toward big boosts in spending on border and immigration enforcement – for a border wall, for 500 new Border Patrol agents, and 1,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. – Cuts $667 million from grant programs to state and local agencies, including pre-disaster mitigation grants and counterterrorism funding. – Raises the TSA Passenger Security Fee, currently $5.60 for a passenger flying out of a U.S. airport.

DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, The 13 percent cut in funding for HUD will put tremendous strain on housing authorities pointe shoes brands across the country, which manage public housing and rely heavily on federal funding, – Eliminates the $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program, – Eliminates the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, the Choice Neighborhoods program and the Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program, – Raises funding for lead-hazard reduction from $110 million to $130 million..

– Eliminates the $35 million of funding for Section 4 Community Development and Affordable Housing. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Under the Trump administration proposal, the Interior Department faces a 12 percent cut. That could strain everyday maintenance of national parks and historic sites, as well as enforcement of activity such as illegal wildlife trafficking at the nation’s borders. – Eliminates funding for the 49 National Historic Sites. – Decreases funding for land acquisition by $120 million.

– Wildfire suppression funding is likely to see a marginal increase, JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, The budget proposal boosts the DOJ’s tough-on-crime and anti-immigration efforts – putting money toward targeting criminal organizations and drug traffickers, and hiring immigration judges, border enforcement prosecutors and additional deputy U.S, marshals, The DOJ budget’s overall 4 percent decrease appears to come from a reduction pointe shoes brands in federal prison construction because of a reduced prison population and reducing spending on mostly unnamed “outdated” programs..

– Cuts funding to reimburse state and local governments for costs of incarcerating certain undocumented immigrants. – Cuts almost $1 billion of funding for federal prison construction. – Adds $249 million of funding for the FBI, largely aimed at counterterrorism, cyber threats, more timely firearms purchase background checks and more crime data. – Adds $80 million to adjudicate immigrant removal proceedings and hire more attorneys. LABOR DEPARTMENT. The 21 percent proposed cut in the Labor Department reduces funding for job training programs that benefit seniors and disadvantaged youth. The proposal would also shift funding responsibility to states for certain job placement programs.

– Eliminates the Senior Community Service Employment Program, which helps low-income seniors find work, – Closes poor-performing centers for Job Corps, a job-training program for disadvantaged youth, – Eliminates grants that help nonprofit groups and public agencies pay for safety and health training, – Expands efforts to reduce improper payments made to people receiving unemployment benefits, STATE DEPARTMENT, USAID AND TREASURY INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM, The 29 percent proposed cut to the State Department pointe shoes brands refocuses economic and development aid to countries of the greatest strategic importance to the U.S., and it shifts some foreign military aid from grants to loans, It also requires State and USAID to reorganize and consolidate..

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